Focus on the Family a Fresh Look at Dating Part 1

US fundamentalist Christian organization

Focus on the Family unit
FOTF logo.svg
Founded 1977; 45 years ago  (1977)
California, U.s.
Founder James Dobson

Tax ID no.

95-3188150 (EIN)
  • 8605 Explorer Dr
    Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920, Usa

Expanse served

74 countries

Key people

Jim Daly
(President and CEO)
John Fuller
(VP Audio division)
Paul Batura
(VP Communications)
Tim Goeglein
(VP External and Governmental Relations)
Robyn Chambers
(Executive Director, Advancement for Children)


$99,205,813 (2019 FY)[one]


640 (every bit of 2013)[two]


Website world wide

Focus on the Family unit (FOTF or FotF) is an American fundamentalist Christian[3] organization founded in 1977 in Southern California by James Dobson, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.[4] It promotes social bourgeois views on public policy. The group is one of a number of evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s. Equally of the 2017 tax filing year, Focus on the Family declared itself to be a church, "primarily to protect the confidentiality of our donors." Traditionally, entities considered churches take been ones that have regular worship services and congregants.[5]

Focus on the Family promotes creationism,[6] abstinence-simply sex teaching,[7] adoption only past heterosexuals,[8] school prayer, and traditional gender roles. It opposes homosexuality, incest, pre-marital sex, pornography, drugs, gambling, divorce, and abortion. It lobbies against LGBT rights, including LGBT adoption, LGBT parenting, and same-sex marriage.[9] Focus on the Family unit has been criticized past psychiatrists, psychologists, and social scientists for misrepresenting their research in order to bolster its religious ideology and political agenda. They have too been criticized for their homophobic and transphobic views.

The core promotional activities of the arrangement include the flagship daily radio broadcast hosted by its president Jim Daly together with co-host Focus VP John Fuller. Focus also provides gratuitous resource in line with the grouping's views, and publishes magazines, videos, and audio recordings.

The organization besides produces programs for targeted audiences, such as Adventures in Odyssey and Ribbits! for children, and dramas.

History [edit]

Focus on the Family's sometime logo

Focus on the Family's Visitor'due south Welcome Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado

From 1977 to 2003, James Dobson served every bit the sole leader of the system. In 2003, Donald P. Hodel became president and principal executive officer, tasked with the twenty-four hour period-to-day operations.[10] Dobson remained chairman of the board of directors, with chiefly creative and speaking duties. In March 2005, Hodel retired and Jim Daly, formerly the Vice President in charge of Focus on the Family'due south International Division, causeless the role of president and primary executive officer.[xi]

In November 2008, the organization announced that it was eliminating 202 jobs, representing 18 percent of its workforce. The arrangement also cut its budget from $160 1000000 in fiscal 2008 to $138 million for fiscal 2009.[12]

In February 2009, Dobson resigned his chairmanship.[13] He left Focus on the Family in early 2010, and afterwards founded Family unit Talk as a non-turn a profit arrangement and launched a new broadcast that began airing nationally on May 3, 2010. He is no longer affiliated with Focus on the Family.

On June 23, 2017, Vice President Mike Pence attended the organization'due south 40th anniversary celebration; at the issue, he praised founder James Dobson, stated that President Donald Trump is an marry of the organization, and added that the Trump administration supports its goals (including the abolition of Planned Parenthood).[fourteen] [xv] [xvi] Pence'south attendance at the effect, along with Focus on the Family's stances on LGBT rights, were criticized by the Human Rights Campaign.[17]

In its IRS Form 990 for Tax Year 2015, dated October 26, 2017, Focus on the Family unit for the first time declared itself a "church building, convention of churches or clan of churches", claiming that it was no longer required to file the IRS disclosure form and that the sources and disposition of its $89 million upkeep were "Not for public inspection". Revenue enhancement attorney Gail Harmon, who advises nonprofit organizations on tax law, said she plant the declaration "shocking", noting that "At that place's goose egg about them that meets the traditional definition of what a church is. They don't take a congregation, they don't have the rites of various parts of a person'south life."[18] A spokesperson for the arrangement stated that it changed its status "primarily to protect the confidentiality of our donors".[5] By 2020, the organization would have offices in 14 countries and partnerships in sixty countries, for an international presence in 74 countries. [19]

Programs [edit]

Marriage and family [edit]

Focus on the Family strongly opposes same-sexual practice marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships.[twenty]

Wait No More than [edit]

Focus on the Family'due south Wait No More ministry works with adoption agencies, church building leaders and ministry partners to recruit families to adopt children from foster care.[21] In Colorado, the number of children waiting for adoption dropped from about 800 to 350, due in-part to the efforts of Look No More than.[22] Focus on the Family unit'due south efforts to encourage adoption amidst Christian families is function of a larger effort by Evangelicals to, in their perception, live out what they see as the "biblical mandate" to help children.[23]

Option Ultrasound Programme [edit]

Focus on the Family'due south Selection Ultrasound Programme (OUP) provides grants to crisis pregnancy centers to pay the cost of ultrasound machines or sonography training. Focus on the Family began OUP in 2004 with the goal of disarming women not to have abortions. FOTF officials said that ultrasound services help a woman better empathize her pregnancy and infant'southward development, creating an important "bonding opportunity" betwixt "mother and unborn kid".[24]

A report released in February 2012 shows that ultrasounds do not have a straight impact on an ballgame conclusion.[25] In 2011, FOTF announced that they would like to talk with pro-option groups like Planned Parenthood to work towards the shared goal of making abortion less common.[26] Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) introduced a sonogram bill in 2011 and – citing Focus on the Family – told Congress that "78 percent of women who see and hear the fetal heartbeat choose life." She was later corrected by Focus on the Family, which released a statement saying they did not release such data.[27] [25] :one [edit] is Focus on the Family'southward website for young adults[28] featuring articles, a weblog, a podcast, and a briefing. The website covers topics such as singleness, dating, relationships, popular culture, career, and sexual practice.[29] [edit]

Pluggedin is a Focus on the Family publication created for families that reviews magazines, films, books, music, and TV shows.[30]

Day of Dialogue [edit]

The Day of Dialogue was a student upshot which took place April xvi. Since 2018 the event is no longer marked on a single date, or organized nationally.[31] Founders described the goal of the result, created in opposition to the anti-bullying and anti-homophobic Mean solar day of Silence, as "encouraging honest and respectful conversation among students about God'southward design for sexuality." It was previously known equally the Mean solar day of Truth and was founded by the Brotherhood Defence Fund in 2005.[32] In 2007, Exodus International began supporting the 24-hour interval of Truth, an outcome created by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in 2005 that challenges homosexuality.[33] In 2009, the ADF announced they had passed on their leadership role for the event to Exodus. In Oct 2010, Exodus announced they would no longer support the consequence. President Alan Chambers stated they realised they needed to "equip kids to live out biblical tolerance and grace while treating their neighbors as they'd like to be treated, whether they concur with them or non", adding that the Day of Truth was becoming too divisive. Chambers said that Exodus had not changed its position on homosexuality, rather they were reevaluating how to all-time communicate their message.[34] [35] Focus on the Family after took leadership of the event, and renamed it the Day of Dialogue.[36]

National Day of Prayer [edit]

The National Day of Prayer Task Force is an American evangelical bourgeois Christian non-profit organization which organizes, coordinates, and presides over Evangelical Christian religious observances each year on the National Day of Prayer. The website of the NDP Task Force states that "its business organisation diplomacy are dissever" from those of Focus on the Family, only also that "between 1990 and 1993, Focus on the Family unit did provide grants in support of the NDP Task Force" and that "Focus on the Family is compensated for services rendered."[37] Shirley Dobson, married woman of James Dobson, was chairwoman of the NDP Task Forcefulness from 1991 until 2016, when Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Baton Graham, assumed the post.[38]

Radio Theatre [edit]

Radio Theatre is a plan run by Focus on the Family that makes both original and adapted radio dramas. Much of the staff involved with Adventures in Odyssey is also involved with Radio Theatre such as Paul McCusker.[39] They have fabricated adaptations of many novels including Les Miserables and Anne of Greenish Gables as well as an adaptation of the complete Chronicles of Narnia.[40] Radio Theatre often hires famous actors to exist a part of their adaptations such as Andy Serkis.[41]

Former ministries [edit]

Love Won Out [edit]

Focus on the Family formed Dear Won Out, an ex-gay ministry in 1998. In 2009, it was sold to Exodus International. [42]

Political positions and activities [edit]

Focus on the Family unit'southward 501(c)(iii) status prevents them from advocating any individual political candidate.[43] FOTF as well has an affiliated grouping, Family Policy Alliance, though the two groups are legally separate. Equally a 501(c)(4) social welfare group, Family Policy Alliance has fewer political lobbying restrictions. FOTF'due south acquirement in 2012 was US$90.5 million, and that of Family Policy Brotherhood (formerly CitizenLink) was US$8 one thousand thousand.[44] [45]

Focus on the Family maintains a strong stand up confronting abortion, and provides grant funding and medical training to assist crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs; likewise known every bit pregnancy resource centers) in obtaining ultrasound machines. According to the system, this funding, which has immune CPCs to provide pregnant women with live sonogram images of the developing fetus, has led directly to the birth of over 1500 babies who would have otherwise been aborted.[46] [47] The organisation has been staunchly opposed to public funding for elective abortions.

FOTF's bookstore at their headquarters contains a variety of material on Christian living, Bibles, etc.

Focus on the Family has been a prominent supporter of the pseudoscience[48] [49] of intelligent design, publishing pro-intelligent design articles in its Citizen magazine and selling intelligent design videos on its website.[50] [51] Focus on the Family co-published the intelligent design videotape Unlocking the Mystery of Life with the Discovery Found, hub of the intelligent design move.[52]

2008 presidential entrada [edit]

In the 2008 The states presidential election, Focus on the Family shifted from supporting Mike Huckabee, to non supporting whatever candidate, to finally accepting the Republican ticket in one case Sarah Palin was added to the ticket. Prior to the ballot, a goggle box and letter campaign was launched predicting terrorist attacks in four U.Southward. cities and equating the U.S. with Nazi Germany. This publicity was condemned by the Anti Defamation League.[53] Within a calendar month before the general ballot, Focus on the Family began distributing a xvi-page alphabetic character titled Letter from 2012 in Obama'southward America, which describes an imagined American time to come in which "many of our freedoms have been taken away past a liberal Supreme Court of the United States and a majority of Democrats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate."[54] According to The states Today, the letter "is part of an escalation in rhetoric from Christian right activists" trying to paint Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama in a negative calorie-free.[55]

Focus on the Family Activity supported Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) in his successful December 2, 2008, runoff election win. The organization, co-ordinate to the Colorado Contained, donated $35,310 in radio ads to the Chambliss runoff campaign endeavour. Every bit the Independent reports, the Focus-sponsored ads were aired in virtually a dozen Georgia markets. The commercials were produced in the weeks subsequently Focus laid off 202 employees – some 20 per centum of its workforce – because of the national economic crunch.[56]

Opposition to same-sex activity matrimony [edit]

Dobson spoke at the 2004 rally against gay spousal relationship called Mayday for Marriage. Information technology was here for the offset fourth dimension that he endorsed a presidential candidate, George W. Bush. Here he denounced the Supreme Court rulings in favor of gay rights, and he urged rally participants to become out and vote so that the battle against gay rights could exist won in the Senate.[57]

In an interview with Christianity Today, Dobson likewise explained that he was not in favor of civil unions. He stated that civil unions are merely same-sex union under a different proper noun. The main priority of the opposing same-sex matrimony movement is to define marriage on the federal level equally betwixt a human being and a adult female and combat the passage of civil unions later on.[58]

Civil rights advocacy groups place Focus on the Family as a major opponent of gay rights. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights and hate group monitoring organization,[59] described Focus on the Family unit as 1 of a "dozen major groups [which] assistance bulldoze the religious correct'south anti-gay cause".[60] The SPLC does not list Focus on the Family as a hate group, however, since it opposes homosexuality "on strictly Biblical grounds".[61]

Focus on the Family unit is a member of, a coalition formed to sponsor California Proposition eight, a ballot initiative to restrict marriage to reverse-sex couples, which passed in 2008,[62] simply was afterwards struck down equally beingness unconstitutional by a federal courtroom in Perry five. Schwarzenegger.

Misrepresentation of inquiry [edit]

Social scientists have criticized Focus on the Family for misrepresenting their research in lodge to bolster its ain perspective.[63] Researcher Judith Stacey, whose work was used by Focus on the Family to claim that gays and lesbians practice not make good parents, said that the claim was "a direct misrepresentation of the enquiry".[64] She elaborated, "Whenever you hear Focus on the Family, legislators or lawyers say, 'Studies prove that children do better in families with a mother and a male parent,' they are referring to studies which compare ii-parent heterosexual households to single-parent households. The studies they are talking about do not cite enquiry on families headed by gay and lesbian couples."[65] FOTF claimed that Stacey'due south allegation was without merit and that their position is that the all-time interests of children are served when in that location is a father and a mother. "Nosotros haven't said anything about sexual orientation", said Glenn Stanton.[64]

James Dobson cited the inquiry of Kyle Pruett and Ballad Gilligan in a Time magazine guest commodity in the service of a claim that ii women cannot raise a kid; upon finding out that her work had been used in this manner, Gilligan wrote a letter to Dobson asking him to repent and to cease and desist from citing her piece of work, describing herself as "mortified to learn that you had distorted my work ... Non only did you lot take my enquiry out of context, you lot did and then without my knowledge to support discriminatory goals that I practice not agree with ... there is cypher in my research that would atomic number 82 you to draw the stated conclusions yous did in the Fourth dimension article."[66] [67] [68] Pruett wrote a like letter, in which he said that Dobson "cherry-picked a phrase to shore up highly (in my view) discriminatory purposes. This practice is condemned in real scientific discipline, common though information technology may be in pseudo-science circles. At that place is zippo in my longitudinal enquiry or any of my writings to support such conclusions", and asked that FOTF non cite him again without permission.[69]

After Elizabeth Saewyc'southward inquiry on teen suicide was used by Focus on the Family to promote conversion therapy she said that "the research has been hijacked for somebody's political purposes or ideological purposes and that's worrisome", and that research in fact linked the suicide rate amidst LGBT teens to harassment, discrimination, and closeting.[lxx] Other scientists who take criticized Focus on the Family for misrepresenting their findings include Robert Spitzer,[71] Gary Remafedi,[69] and Angela Phillips.[71]

Football advertisements [edit]

In 2010, Focus on the Family bought ad fourth dimension during Super Bowl XLIV to air a commercial featuring Heisman Trophy winning Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam. In the advertizing, Pam described Tim equally a "miracle babe" who "near didn't make it into this world", and further elaborated that "with all our family's been through, we have to be tough" (afterwards which Pam was promptly tackled by Tim). The ad directed viewers to the organization's website.[72] [73]

Women's rights groups asked CBS not to air the and then-unseen advertisement, arguing that information technology was divisive. Planned Parenthood released a video response of its own featuring fellow NFL player Sean James.[74] [75] The claim that Tebow'south family chose not to perform an abortion was also widely criticized; critics felt that the claim was implausible because it would exist unlikely for doctors to recommend the process because abortion is illegal in the Philippines.[73] [76] CBS'south decision to run the ad was too criticized for deviating from its past policy to reject advancement-type ads during the Super Basin, including ads by left-leaning groups such as PETA, and the United Church of Christ (which wanted to run an advertising that was pro-aforementioned-sexual activity marriage). Withal, CBS stated that "we have for some time moderated our arroyo to advocacy submissions afterward information technology became apparent that our stance did non reflect public sentiment or manufacture norms on the issue."[77]

Focus on the Family produced some other commercial which ran during the second quarter of the Jan 14, 2012 Denver Broncos-New England Patriots AFC Bounded Playoff circulate on CBS,[78] featuring children reciting the Bible verse John 3:16.[79] The ad did non generate nearly the amount of controversy that surrounded the Super Bowl commercial. Information technology did proceeds some national media attending, and president Jim Daly stated in a press release that its purpose was to "help everyone understand some numbers are more of import than the ones on the scoreboard."[eighty]

Recognition and awards [edit]

In 2008, Dobson's Focus on the Family program was nominated for induction into the National Radio Hall of Fame.[81] Nominations were fabricated past the 157 members of the Hall of Fame and voting on inductees was handed over to the public using online voting.[82] The nomination drew the ire of gay rights activists, who launched efforts to have the programme removed from the nominee list and to vote for other nominees to prevent Focus from winning.[83] [84] Even so, on July xviii, 2008, it was announced that the plan had won and would be inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in a ceremony on November eight, 2008.[85] Truth Wins Out, a gay rights grouping, protested the ceremony with over 300 protesters.[86]

Controversies [edit]

Focus on the Family supported a Citizens Initiated Referendum on the repeal of department 59 of the Crimes Human action 1961, which placed limits on the concrete disciplining of children.[87]

Focus on the Family unit Singapore came under criticism in October 2014 over allegations of sexism and promoting gender stereotypes during their workshops on managing relationships for junior higher students. The workshop received a complaint from both a Hwa Chong Junior College pupil, as well equally negative feedback from the higher management as being 'ineffective' and will end by the stop of the year.[88]

Headquarters [edit]

The administration building is one of four on the headquarters campus.

The Focus on the Family headquarters is a four building, 47-acre (19 ha)[89] complex located off of Interstate 25 in northern Colorado Springs, Colorado, with its own ZIP Code (80995).[xc] [91] The buildings consist of the Administration building, International edifice, Welcome Center and Operations edifice (currently unused), and totals 526,070 square feet.[92]

Focus on the Family unit moved to its current headquarters from Pomona, California, in 1991,[93] with i,200 employees. In 2002, the number of employees peaked at i,400. By September 2011, afterward years of layoffs, they had 650 employees remaining.[94] Christopher Ott of Salon said in 1998 that the FOTF campus has "handsome new brick buildings, professional person landscaping and even its own traffic signs" and that "The buildings and grounds are well-maintained and comfortable. If there is any ostentatious or corrupt influence hither, it is nowhere in sight."[90]

While visiting the Focus on the Family unit complex, a couple had asked the staff if treatment the sightseers in the main building was a distraction. The staff told the couple that information technology was a distraction; later the couple donated $4 million to have a welcome eye congenital. A visiting family donated vii miles (xi km) of wood trim from the family's Pennsylvania lumber business so FOTF could build its administration building.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "2019 Annual Written report" (PDF) . Retrieved December 24, 2020.
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External links [edit]

  • Official website
  • FOTF Programs via Streaming Audio
  • FOTF Commentary info on ABC Radio
  • Focus on the Family unit New Zealand
  • Boundless Webzine
  • Twenty-four hours of Dialogue


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