Section 12.2 After You Read Answer Keys - Mcgraw Hill Higher Preliminary Activities

Reading Part 3

This article is right for you if y'all are looking for very specific data about Reading Part 3 of the Cambridge PET exam. I'm going to testify you what the chore looks like, common bug and some useful tips and strategies to make information technology easier for you lot to exist successful and go great marks.

If you are interested in more than full general information, I recommend my article on everything you lot need to know about PET. There, you lot will find out more about the whole exam and it's a good start if yous are new to B1 Preliminary.

What do yous accept to practise in Office 3?

4-option multiple choice – In Function 3 of the PET Reading newspaper you read a longer text (see the instance below) and respond five question. For each of those questions you choose from 4 options A, B, C or D.

Part three tests your general and detailed understanding of a longer text equally well as your understanding of the writer'south opinions and attitude. It is a true reading task compared to Parts 5 and six which exam your grammer and vocabulary.

The text in Part 3 is ever a lilliputian bit longer with between 300-350 words. In improver, you become v questions with 4 possible answers A-D.

You can see that the final question looks a different from the others, but I'm going to talk well-nigh that a niggling bit later on.

E'er recollect that you lot too have to transfer your answers onto a split answer sail which you lot get from the examiner at the beginning of the test.

Equally you lot probably know, there are six different parts in the Reading department of the B1 Preliminary exam. Each part has its own difficulties, but there are also a few general things that are interesting for y'all to know. Yous tin notice out more than by checking out my article on the PET Reading newspaper.

What is hard about Office iii?

As with all the unlike sections in the B1 Preliminary Reading test there are likewise some mutual problems that students experience in Office iii. So offset, I'm going to point out the problems and and then nosotros're going to look at some possible solutions.

Don't get into time trouble

In PET Reading you only get 45 minutes to complete 6 dissimilar tasks. Some of these tasks, like Part iii, ask you to read pretty long texts and answer questions or fill in gaps. In addition, you ever have to transfer your answers onto an extra answer sheet, which usually takes around v minutes. That leaves the states with around 40 minutes to answer all the questions or, more or less, 6 one/two minutes per job.

Obviously, that is not a lot of time and y'all demand to be very careful. E'er take an eye on the clock and make sure that yous don't spend too much fourth dimension on a unmarried task.

Don't get distracted

In every Cambridge English test similar B1 Preliminary, B2 Commencement or C1 Advanced y'all tin can notice that the people who create the questions and write the tasks frequently try to confuse you lot. The wrong answers are very similar to the correct one or you lot can find information continued to all the different possible answers in the aforementioned text.

We call these pieces of wrong or disruptive information 'distractors'. Y'all have to practise the dissimilar tasks quite a lot to learn the best techniques to deal with these distractors effectively.

Don't let the last question misfile you

The last question in Reading Part iii always looks different from the other questions and it is very of import that yous don't get confused by that. Believe me, there is actually cipher to worry near if you know what exactly you lot have to do in this terminal question.

Tips and strategies for Reading Part 3

At present that we've had a look at the three near mutual issues that I usually see with my students who ready for B1 Preliminary nosotros can also check what the solutions to these problems are, so in this part of my article I'm going to try and requite yous every bit much useful data every bit possible.

Follow a pace-past-step process

One of the well-nigh crucial things in the exam is that you lot take a plan for each chore and so you know exactly what you have to practise. This can assist you a lot if you are running out of time. Instead of getting actually nervous and making unnecessary mistakes y'all can have a deep breath, focus on your step-by-step process and keep collecting marks.

In Reading Part 3 this procedure looks like this:

  1. Read questions 11-14 and underline the cardinal words
  2. Quickly read the text and highlight the parts where you can find the answers to questions xi-xiv
  3. Re-read the highlighted parts and cull the correct reply.
  4. Read question 15 and the possible answers carefully and underline key words.
  5. Cull the correct answer for question 15.

Let me now prove you what the outset three steps might look like for our example from earlier. After that, we'll bargain with question 15.

Questions xi-14 follow the order of the text

When yous expect at the get-go four questions in Reading Part 3 keep in mind that they follow the order of the text, which means that the answer to the starting time question is somewhere at the beginning of the text and the answer to question 14 more towards the end.

Get-go of all, you want to look at questions xi-14 and underline the virtually important words. As you tin can see to a higher place, I've already washed the work for you and now we read the text quickly, only to go a full general understanding of the topic and what happens in the text. While you are reading simply highlight the parts that lucifer the questions and where you retrieve you lot tin can notice the correct answers.

Again, I've already highlighted everything for you. The colours show you which part belongs to which of the questions. You lot tin run across that, indeed, the questions follow the guild of the text.

After yous've washed this little fleck of training you re-read the different parts more than carefully and choose the correct answer for each question.

In our example, it looks like this.

The underlined parts in the text perfectly lucifer the circled options in the questions.

Think, in that location are three steps to answering questions xi-14 and information technology is e'er the same process. Practise to go faster and there won't be a problem for you.

How to deal with question 15

Question 15 is a little chip different from the other questions, merely if you know how it works, it isn't actually a problem.

Equally I've told you earlier, all the other questions follow the gild of the text and they ask you virtually some detailed information. Question xv, all the same, asks you nearly the whole text. You can't just look for some item that gives you the correct answer, but you need to understand the primary thought(due south) and what the author wants to say.

In our example the question asks for a good introduction to the commodity. This means that y'all have to understand what the article talks about in order to make that decision.

A good fashion to answer this job is to eliminate the wrong options. They ever include something that the text doesn't talk about or they give you false information and so it is normally quite easy to observe the wrong ones.

For example, in pick A we see that Peter Fuller never says that mount biking is more important to him than his career. Option C describes the relationship between mountain biking and Peter's career as an artist, just in the text he never says that he chose his career but because of the sport. And animalism but not least, option D says that he gave upwardly art to go every bit skilful as possible, which is but non correct. In fact, he gave up racing because he was afraid of accidents.

The but possible respond that is left is option B and when we look at the information, nosotros run into that it describes the text pretty well. So, don't be scared of this last question, but be careful because it works a little scrap differently from the other tasks in Reading Office three.

General tips

There are a few things you tin do to generally become set for the Reading newspaper of the B1 Preliminary test.

Commencement of all,attempt to read things in English every bit frequently as possible. Fifty-fifty if you only have five or x minutes every day on the passenger vehicle to or from work or schoolhouse, use it exercise some reading. Read any you desire: the news, stories, articles or anything else you enjoy.

You will get a faster reader, which can salvage y'all time in the examination, and y'all will see a lot of grammatical structures and new vocabulary that you might meet again when you take the test.

Secondly,remember about taking English language classes to fix yourself specifically for the examination. Information technology can exist very helpful to have a teacher who can requite yous feedback on your typical mistakes and things you already do well then you know what y'all accept to improve what you should focus on when getting set up for PET. To notice a expert school near you have a look at my article abouteverything yous need to know near B1 Preliminary.

Last simply not to the lowest degree.think well-nigh your fourth dimension direction and the order in which you desire to get through the different tasks in the exam. If y'all want to know more, you lot tin follow the link to my post virtuallythe Reading newspaper in the PET test.

Lots of honey,

Teacher Phill 🙂


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